I recently started playing Age of Sigmar: Warcry because I think the minis are awesome, and I also don’t have to buy a ton to play a game.
I picked up the Legions of Nagash skeletons and kind of built that warband backwards but also a box of Flesh Eater Courts and a Lady Olynder because primarily I buy minis because they’re awesome.
If you’ve followed my Instagram, I already posted some of these pictures but I’ll never not show off My Dudes™ when I have the chance.
Some special attention to my Necromancer. As soon as I saw him I thought to myself: Gary Oldman’s Dracula. So of course, I did the hair.
I’m pretty happy about it and tickled pink that some people at the shop get it. This Necromancer model definitely had some hard bits to paint once assembled so this will probably be my last one unless I have a good reason.
I also picked up some Plaugebearers because I didn’t do my research before I started getting minis. I’m not mad about it, because they are probably some of my best work with color mixing and interesting effects. I couldn’t help but make each one different, a compulsion I fought a bit with the skeletons, but they still have their own flair.
Most of these were base coated, picking out things that would look good with my usual oil-wash filters of brown and magenta-brown paint diluted with mineral spirits. Then washed carefully.
The rust effect was achieved with a metal base coat (Gunmetal by Vallejo but any mid-tone silver will do). I had the idea to use the drying metal paint to add texture to the otherwise flat surface and I think I pulled it off well.
Second, you color with a mix of red-brown in the most-rusted out spots (rust darkens as it ages) then adding bright orange in high spots and “new” rust. *Mix your paint with some extra matte medium or varnish!* This will ensure the matte surface needed for believable rust and you can endlessly layer on top for a really beautiful effect.
In the end, it looks very splotchy and cartoony until you come back with a burnt umber oil wash. This helps tie all the colors together and darkens the darkest rust even more. Thickly leaving some burnt umber also helps with texture and depth.
Finally, I painted the bells bronze and because bronze produces verdigris I used some turquoise on them. I decided some of the swords would be bronze as well.
**I know this is an awful tutorial, I will be posting a more in-depth tutorial on this kind of rust effect when I post my Gaslands Beverly build.